Thiết kế , Thi công cảnh quan - Thiết kế, Thi công xây dựng - Thi công hạ tầng -  Duy tu, bảo dưỡng, sửa chữa công trình - Cho thuê, mua bán cây cảnh - Chăm sóc sân vườn


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 : (08)38214112 - (08)38214113

Creating a beautiful garden has been difficult, you must have the perfect combine between architecture and landscape, between design and construction and other factors ...

To keep the growth of garden, you need have a lot of time to care and maintenance. Growing bonsai trees is somewhat different from the street trees and fruit trees. Ornamental trees like a beautiful woman, sour and scornful to cosher, but if you know how is care, you can exploit fully the beauty of the trees , that is what people love trees, love to garden want to achieve.

Growing bonsai is not a hard problem, but that requires technical and artistic.

Growing bonsai is not a hard problem, but that requires technical and artistic.
With a staff including engineers and agronomists gardeners have many years of experience, Green Sight would like to introduce to you the customer care services including:

- Cut pruning and shaping plants.

- Pesticides, fertilizer suitable for each kind of plants.

- Check the pests of plant and treated promptly to avoid spreading .

- Advise to customers ornamental plant care methods appropriate and effective .

- Special care bonsai regularly at home or in garden .

Green Sight has many years' experience of care, maintenance restaurants , hotels, commercial centers, offices and private homes .

We are professional and we know what your garden needs.

You cuold contact us via telephone number ( 08 ) . 38214112 - ( 08 ) . 38214113 or Email for advice and selecting appropriate service pack.

Chăm sóc, bảo dưỡng sân vườn, cắt tỉa cây cảnh, tạo dáng cây cảnh, chăm sóc mai vàng


118 Nguyen Đinh Chieu Street, Dakao Ward , District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Tel: 08 38214112 - 38214113

Visits: 4111112

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